Monday, August 24, 2020

1.The purpose of this coursework is to examine current fiscal and

1.The reason for this is to analyze current financial and fiscal approaches by the UK government and their viability and effect on GDP and loan fees utilizing graphical and relapse investigation - Coursework Example Fundamentally, the IS-LM model is a full scale financial apparatus showing the connection between loan costs and genuine out-put in the products and ventures showcase and the currency advertise. It is a mix of merchandise market and currency advertise harmonies. The total model depicts general harmony circumstance in full scale economy. IS-LM model depends on presumption of fixed value level. This suggests general value level won't suddenly modify when monetary conditions adjust. Assume there is an expansion sought after. Given gracefully, the expansion sought after should create an expansion in value level (and in amount traded inside market). The period inside which it remains unaltered is short run. The time arrangement qualities of factors utilizing three tests uncover a large portion of factors are fixed with catch. This catches non-zero mean under elective theory. In any case, numerous factors are non-fixed with consistent and deterministic time patterns. This catches deterministic patterns under this other option. The factors may along these lines be viewed as fixed and doesn't require differencing. The IS Curve is illustrative of the balance focuses in products advertise, that is, the mixes of r and Y for which speculations (I) are equivalent to reserve funds (S). Remember that speculation is contrarily identified with genuine financing cost and is non-reliant on level of genuine yield/salary. Sparing has a positive relationship to genuine loan fee and further increments with pay. Different researchers have contended that the European sovereign obligation emergency is recognizable to the nineties whereby the 15 part states at that point, thought on the advantages of foundation of a typical territorial money (Sgherri and Zoli, 2009). In spite of conceding to certain obligation focuses, there are numerous examples where part states out-appropriately neglected to cling to as far as possible. In spite of this conspicuous infringement, no budgetary assents were forced on

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mutagen Free Essays

Measurement of a Mutagen: Tobacco By Selenia Lopez November 30, 2012 Section 44 Abstract: Tobacco is ordinarily utilized and kills millions until this day. Tobacco is a potential mutagen because of the considerable number of synthetics included. The spot overlay Ames test was led to test at what centralization of tobacco was it at the most mutagenic. We will compose a custom paper test on Mutagen or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The theory of this analysis was as the grouping of tobacco builds, the development of microscopic organisms increments. The control for this trial had an UV positive and an UV negative. Four distinctive tobacco focuses, Salmonella Typhimurium of strain 1538 were brooded for 24-72 hours to watch bacterial development. At a 100% bacterial development was at its most prominent number of colonization and at 5% the mutagen was at any rate. These outcomes mirrored that tobacco can develop without histidine making it a mutagen and at which focus was it the most mutagenic. Introduction: A mutagen is a substance which builds the recurrence of change in a plant or creature populace, which can prompt an assortment of outcomes or adjustments in the DNA structure (Ligorio, Izzotti, Pulliero, Arrigo 2011). Salmonella being a mutagen can cause transformations, for example, replacement, addition, cancellation and casing shift contingent upon the strain. S. typhimurium conveys a damaged quality creation it incapable to blend histidine from its way of life medium. A few sorts of changes can be turned around with the quality recovering its capacity. Tobacco having loads of synthetic compounds with probability of being mutagenic is known to murder an expected 6,000,000 individuals worldwide every year and channels $500 billion yearly. It very well may be devoured as a pesticide and as nicotine tartrate. It is once in a while utilized in certain medications, yet most ordinarily utilized as a medication. The utilization of Ames test depends on the supposition that any substance that is mutagenic. For this eason the FDA utilizes the Ames test to screen numerous synthetic substances to measures the mutagenic quality in bacterial cells (FDA 2012). In this trial to test whether tobacco is mutagenic and if so at what focus has the best bacterial development. The spot overlay Ames test was directed. In spite of the fact that it’s a modes t rendition of the Ames test, the outcome were as yet perfect. The theory of this analysis was as the convergence of tobacco builds, the development increments. The best development ought to happen in the 100% fixation and the least in the 5% focus. Techniques and materials: The control for the trial was an Agar plate that had an UV positive reactant with a known mutagen, and UV negative reactant that hasn’t been reactant with anything. With a small scale pipette that added up to 250ul, strain TA 1538 of Salmonella was Obtained and set on to the Agar plate and spread with a sanitized bar. The four paper circles that have been absorbed the 5%, 25%, half, and 100% of tobacco focus were put separated on the plate. The plate was fixed and place it in the hatchery at 37 degree for 24-72 hours. Results: Table 1: The table shows the centralization of mutagens to the quantity of provinces watched. Fixations | Colonies | 100% | 39 | half | 13 | 25% | 8 | 5% | 2 | The control brought about the UV positive having development and the UV negative having none by any means. At a 100% bacterial development was at its most noteworthy number of colonization at 39. At 5% the mutagen was in any event with just 2 settlements. Conversation: The mutagenic impact of the concoction has made numerous microbes recover the capacity to develop without histidine in tobacco, causing the arrangement of the provinces seen around the plate (Pounikar and Dawande 2010). Not exclusively is a tobacco a mutagen, yet settlement development expanded as the focus expanded. The speculation was bolstered by the information appear in the table. Despite the fact that the circle were somewhat moved. The numbers were as yet feasible. The 100% fixation had the most elevated bacterial colonization and the 5% focus had the least as anticipated. In future analyses, more preliminaries should be possible. So as to ensure the outcomes will continue as before unfailingly; or utilizing different mutagens to perceive how they respond in the 100% fixation. This sort of examination can likewise be helpful in seeing if smoking tobacco or biting tobacco is increasingly mutagenic or if the various brands have any kind of effect on how mutagenic they can be. Works Cited Asiatic Journal of Biotechnology Resources: Pounikar, R and Dawande, A. Y. (2010). Discovery of potential cancer-causing agents by Ames test. Doi: 01: 57-64. Branch of Health Sciences: Ligorion M, Izzotti A, Pulliero An, and Arrigo P. (2011) Mutagens meddle with microRNA development by restraining DICER. An in silico science investigation. Doi: 10. 1016 www. FDA. gov: Li Y, Yan J, Bishop M, Jones MY, Watanabe F, Biris AS, Rice P, Zhou T, Chen T. (2011) Genotoxicity assessment of titanium dioxide nanoparticles utilizing the Ames test and Comet examine. The most effective method to refer to Mutagen, Essay models Mutagen Free Essays Evaluation of a Mutagen: Tobacco By Selenia Lopez November 30, 2012 Section 44 Abstract: Tobacco is normally utilized and kills millions until this day. Tobacco is a potential mutagen because of the considerable number of synthetic substances included. The spot overlay Ames test was directed to test at what grouping of tobacco was it at the most mutagenic. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mutagen or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now The theory of this investigation was as the convergence of tobacco builds, the development of microscopic organisms increments. The control for this analysis had an UV positive and an UV negative. Four distinctive tobacco fixations, Salmonella Typhimurium of strain 1538 were brooded for 24-72 hours to watch bacterial development. At a 100% bacterial development was at its most noteworthy number of colonization and at 5% the mutagen was in any event. These outcomes mirrored that tobacco can develop without histidine making it a mutagen and at which focus was it the most mutagenic. Introduction: A mutagen is a substance which builds the recurrence of change in a plant or creature populace, which can prompt an assortment of results or adjustments in the DNA structure (Ligorio, Izzotti, Pulliero, Arrigo 2011). Salmonella being a mutagen can cause changes, for example, replacement, addition, erasure and edge move contingent upon the strain. S. typhimurium conveys a faulty quality creation it unfit to orchestrate histidine from its way of life medium. A few kinds of transformations can be switched with the quality recovering its capacity. Tobacco having heaps of synthetic compounds with plausibility of being mutagenic is known to murder an expected 6,000,000 individuals worldwide every year and channels $500 billion every year. It very well may be devoured as a pesticide and as nicotine tartrate. It is some of the time utilized in certain prescriptions, however most ordinarily utilized as a medication. The utilization of Ames test depends on the suspicion that any substance that is mutagenic. For this eason the FDA utilizes the Ames test to screen numerous synthetics to measures the mutagenic quality in bacterial cells (FDA 2012). In this analysis to test whether tobacco is mutagenic and if so at what focus has the best bacterial development. The spot overlay Ames test was directed. In spite of the fact that it’s a modest variant of the Ames test, the outcome were as yet perfect. The theory of this analysis was as the grouping of tobacco expands, the development increments. The best development ought to happen in the 100% focus and the least in the 5% fixation. Techniques and materials: The control for the investigation was an Agar plate that had an UV positive reactant with a known mutagen, and UV negative reactant that hasn’t been reactant with anything. With a smaller scale pipette that added up to 250ul, strain TA 1538 of Salmonella was Obtained and set on to the Agar plate and spread with a disinfected bar. The four paper circles that have been absorbed the 5%, 25%, half, and 100% of tobacco fixation were put separated on the plate. The plate was fixed and place it in the hatchery at 37 degree for 24-72 hours. Results: Table 1: The table shows the centralization of mutagens to the quantity of states watched. Fixations | Colonies | 100% | 39 | half | 13 | 25% | 8 | 5% | 2 | The control brought about the UV positive having development and the UV negative having none by any means. At a 100% bacterial development was at its most noteworthy number of colonization at 39. At 5% the mutagen was at any rate with just 2 provinces. Conversation: The mutagenic impact of the substance has made numerous microbes recapture the capacity to develop without histidine in tobacco, causing the arrangement of the states seen around the circle (Pounikar and Dawande 2010). Not exclusively is a tobacco a mutagen, yet state development expanded as the focus expanded. The speculation was bolstered by the information appear in the table. Despite the fact that the circle were somewhat moved. The numbers were as yet feasible. The 100% fixation had the most noteworthy bacterial colonization and the 5% focus had the least as anticipated. In future examinations, more preliminaries should be possible. So as to ensure the outcomes will continue as before without fail; or utilizing different mutagens to perceive how they respond in the 100% fixation. This kind of trial can likewise be valuable in seeing if smoking tobacco or biting tobacco is increasingly mutagenic or if the various brands have any kind of effect on how mutagenic they can be. Works Cited Asiatic Journal of Biotechnology Resources: Pounikar, R and Dawande, A. Y. (2010). Location of potential cancer-causing agents by Ames test. Doi: 01: 57-64. Division of Health Sciences: Ligorion M, Izzotti A, Pulliero An, and Arrigo P. (2011) Mutagens meddle with microRNA development by repressing DICER. An in silico science investigation. Doi: 10. 1016 www. FDA. gov: Li Y, Yan J, Bishop M, Jones MY, Watanab

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

6 Tips for Fighting Medication-Induced Weight Gain

6 Tips for Fighting Medication-Induced Weight Gain More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis It is not uncommon for people to gain weight when taking certain medications used to treat bipolar disorder. Medication-induced weight gain?? is one of the more typical side effects of psychotropic drug use. It can place a person in the position having to manage not only ones moods but ones weight, as well.?? There are strategic ways to deal with this. In the end, a diet plan should not be founded on drastic exercise programs or severely cutting back on food intake. Its more about viewing nutrition as part of an overall effort to improve your health. Body and mind play a part in how you manage your bipolar disorder and, by looking at treatment holistically,?? you lose weight and feel better without compromising your health. Here are some ways to do so: Keep Track of Your Calories The simple act of counting calories can help you better understand not only how much you eat but when and what you eat. This is not to suggest that weight loss programs should be based solely on numbers; rather it should be a means by which to gain awareness about how certain habits may contribute to medication-induced weight gain. Even beyond counting calories, you can keep track of the nutritional information of the foods you eat. There are plenty of free online tools that can assist. Look for one that uses reliable nutrition data sources, such as the USDA nutrient database. Eat More Fiber The types of foods you eat matter as just much as your caloric intake. To this end, focus on food rich in fiber. Fiber is the key ingredient to a weight loss program as it keeps your bowel regular, keeps you feeling fuller longer, and keeps you from experiencing fluctuations in your insulin response. By doing so, your body stores less fat, and you simply feel better. Focus on viscous fiber found in plant foods like beans (legumes), flax seeds, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oats. Do so as part of a balanced diet while reducing your intake of red meats and refined sugars. 14 Simple Ways to Increase Your Fiber Intake Choose Portion Control Over Low-Fat Products While eating lower fat foods is a good thing, it shouldnt be the sole focus of a weight loss program. In fact, many so-called low-fat products can end up having far more sugars their full-fat counterparts. Instead, focus on portion size. This not only helps cut back calories, but it may also increase your awareness about when you actually full. Oftentimes, having a big plate of food in front of us is something we feel obliged to eat, even when we are already full. How to Curb Your Portion Sizes In addition to volumes of food, pay attention to how fast you eat. Research has shown that it takes 20 minutes on average for your brain to receive the message that your stomach is full. So take your time, put down your fork between bites, and avoid the habit of wolfing your food down. By eating slowly, you may realize that youve had already enough even before finishing your plate. Be Wise When Choosing Calorie-Free Drinks Forget zero-calorie diet drinks saturated with artificial sugars. Focus instead on naturally calorie-free drinks that will keep you hydrated and still tempt your palate. Try replacing soft drinks and high-fructose juices with seltzer, sparkling water, or club soda infused with cucumber, mint, strawberry, watermelon, or citrus slices. Avoid caffeinated drinks, including coffee. They not only have a diuretic effect (which offers nothing in the way of real diet loss); they also act as a stimulant, which can exacerbate certain bipolar symptoms. Instead, opt for decaffeinated coffee or caffeine-free tea.   Limit Your Snacking Snacking is the killer of weight loss programs because it is driven less by hunger and more by impulse. As such, well often convince ourselves that well make up the difference in our regular meals, but it doesnt really work that way. Until you are able to constrain the snacking habit, you will never really fully take charge of a weight loss effort. The simple rule is this: avoid eating when youre not actually hungry. When you do need a snack to get you over a hump, opt for something healthy and full of fiber. Or, even better, try a glass of water or herbal tea and see if that helps. Oftentimes, we mistake thirst for hunger, and a nice glass of water may be all that is really needed to satisfy a pang. Satisfying 100-Calorie Snacks If you just cant get a snack craving off your mind, try brushing your teeth. It seems to be a trick to work for a lot of people, stimulating the taste buds without taking in unneeded calories. Never Shop on an Empty  Stomach An even better way to avoid snacking is to not buy snacks. And the best way to do this is to never shop hungry. If you head to the supermarket after a full, satisfying breakfast or lunch, youll be less prone to reach for that bag of chips or box of cookies. So be strategic and plan ahead of shopping by: Putting together a detailed shopping listNever veering from that listScheduling grocery shopping right after a satisfying meal

Friday, May 22, 2020

Was Jack the Ripper a Woman - 1773 Words

Mysteries have been going unsolved for years and puzzling minds across the globe. Serial killers give the most controversial mysteries, especially cold cases in which the killers have never been identified. One of the more infamous serial killers, Jack the Ripper, has been fascinating but horrifying investigators since the first victim was discovered. But what if Jack the ripper was not a Jack at all, but rather Lizzie the Ripper? New evidence has shed some light on this case and states that it would make more sense if it was a woman instead of a man. First and foremost, the name Jack the Ripper was actually not given by the media or other investigators. The infamous name â€Å"Jack the Ripper† actually came from a letter that was†¦show more content†¦Dr. Thomas Bond was the pathologist assigned to the case when the first victim had been discovered; he stated that â€Å"it would have been six inches long, pointed at the top, and about an inch thick,† (Eno ch Jacqueline the Ripper? New book claims Britains most notorious serial killer was actually a WOMAN), it being the knife that Lizzie would have used to carve up her victims. This would allow the murderer to slice the women’s throat from the right to the left and she would be able to avoid a good amount of the blood spatter if the victim was still alive. Though the victim’s clothes had been rearranged but there was never any sign of sexual intercourse; it would make sense that it was a midwife that was out for revenge. Since Lizzie was infertile herself, the revenge she took out on women would add to the fact that Lizzie was unable to cope with reality. Not only did she target women that were street walkers but were also around the age of Lizzie herself. The victims were all tied to Lizzie Williams because of what was missing when the bodies were found. Lizzie the Ripper was known for taking a trophy from each of her victims, the viscera or the internal organs such as the intestines, stomach, and even the heart. Lizzie showed her extensive anatomical knowledge by removing a kidney from the front of the victim without damaging any other organs. In another victim, she hadShow MoreRelated Jack the Ripper: The Most Famous Killer in History Essay1489 Words   |  6 PagesJack the Ripper is perhaps the most famous serial murder case in the world. Even after over one hundred, twenty years, the case is widely talked about, speculated about, and mulled over (Jones, Jack the Ripper 1888). A lot of the intrigue over the case lies in the fact that it is, to this day, unsolved. Questions still remain over the case. What was Jack the Ripper’s real identity? What was the actual number of victims? The known murders attributed to Jack the Ripper took place between August 7Read MoreBlack And White : Victorian Crime Scenes And The Ripper Photographs931 Words   |  4 PagesAnwer, M. 2014. Murder in black and white: Victorian crime scenes and the Ripper photographs. Victorian Studies 56.3:433-441 This article focuses on an extensive analysis of the photographs of the Jack the Ripper’s, a 19th century serial killer, victims and how they are taken in a way which wrongs the victims. The author uses many sources to provide evidence for her argument. She has an obvious bias and tries to describe the negative effects of Victorian post-mortem photography on the way the victimsRead MoreCompare And Contrast Jack The Ripper And The Murderers1616 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2017 No Confession, No Witnesses, No Charge During the nineteenth century, the world-famous murders by Jack the Ripper and the Borden murderer shocked the world and bombarded headlines. Because neither crime was ever solved, they became widely publicized and subject to scrutiny. In the Jack the Ripper case, numerous suspects were investigated, but there no one ever witnessed any of the Ripper murders so the detectives could not characterize one person as guilty. Having witnesses to a crime is vitalRead MoreInvestigation of Jack the Ripper Essays1436 Words   |  6 PagesInvestigation of Jack the Ripper Jack the ripper was an unknown serial killer, he kept his true identity a secret from the world. Many people today see Jack the Ripper as a mystery which will never be solved. People have tried for many years to find out the mystery of Jack the Ripper but can not and will not succeed. The fact that no one knows the identity of him keeps the mystery of the unknown killer alive. It will stay a mystery forever, all we know is that he was the killerRead MoreEnglish Serial Killers: Jack the Ripper1449 Words   |  6 PagesOne-hundred twenty-five years ago England saw its first serial killer, Jack the Ripper. His mysterious identity and evasion from the police intrigues people who enjoy learning about the criminal acts of infamous serial killers. There was poverty in this time in London and was having trouble with the overcrowding of people. Jack the Ripper has a very distinctive style of killing and all his victims were all killed a certain way. He was never caught because of the lack of technology the police had at thisRead MoreThe Reasons Behind Polices Inability To Catch Jack The Ripper980 Words   |  4 PagesThe Reasons Behind Polices Inability To Catch Jack The Ripper Jack The Ripper was never caught, and his identity remains a mystery to this day. The police were unable to catch Jack The Ripper and solve the mystery of the Whit Chapel murders because of several reasons. The first reason is the police themselves. In London, there were two police forces. The Metropolitan police and the City Of London police. The murders took place in both of the jurisdictions. The policeRead MoreSolving the Puzzle of Jack the Ripper1510 Words   |  7 PagesThe One Who Got Away: Solving the Puzzle of Jack the Ripper In August 1888, the dwellers of London’s East End arose from sleep to find their lives a little darker than before. Mary Ann Nichols, a prostitute, had been viciously murdered, nearly decapitated by two cuts to the throat, her abdomen displaying multiple cuts (Begg 46). Over the next three years, ten other women would be murdered in the Whitechapel area. While there is no definitive proof linking these murders to one killer, analysisRead MoreShort Story : Dear Boss Letter Essay1360 Words   |  6 PagesIn the same issue, The Evening News also mentions the contents of the â€Å"Dear Boss† letter, but also a postcard, sent to the Central News Agency on October 1st, and also claiming to be written by Jack the Ripper. As previously mentioned, September 27th was the first time the name Jack the Ripper was used. Hundreds more letters were sent to both the press and the police. The Evening News speculated, â€Å"it is not necessarily assumed that this has been the work of the murderer, the idea that naturally occursRead MoreJack The Ripper Analysis1237 Words   |  5 Pages Jack the Ripper : Opposing Viewpoints By : Mason Belcher Jack the Ripper was best known as a serial killer that was never identified. His amazing surgical cuts gave him the name Jack the Ripper. Most of his murders happened in the Whitechapel district of London. Though only five people were killed by his hands, others were believed to be his victims. Thanks to newspaper reportage on the case, coupled with the records and musings of philanthropists and reformers who wished to bring the plightRead MoreFilm From Hell Essay741 Words   |  3 PagesFilm From Hell From Hell is anther movie based on the case of Jack The Ripper, by the New 20th Century Fox Production. The Ripper haunted Whitechapel, a district of East London, during the late 1880s. He was said to be the first documented and investigated serial killer at the time. One thing we should ask ourselves when we are watching this two hour masterpiece: was the movie historically accurate? I believe the answer is far more complicated than a sheer yes or

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Applicant Pool Increased At 57 % Of Business Schools...

In 2015, the applicant pool increased at 57% of business schools worldwide (Gellman). Today, a Masters of Business Administration defines a businessperson and unlocks the doors to the financial world. Modern business hinges on education, but when formal schooling was not widely available, artists considered other factors integral to a flourishing businessman and financial success. Authors, playwrights, and filmmakers recognized the value of formal education, but imagined experience, social dexterity, and observation as the bedrock of economic prosperity. If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, Roxana, and Working Girl depict a menagerie of educational backgrounds. Although she is literate and skilled in conversation, Roxana has received no formal education in business. In Post-Renaissance England, Thomas Gresham would most likely have attended only grammar school and apprenticed with a businessman. By far, the characters in Working Girl are the most formally schooled. Tess graduated from business school with honors, and Jack Trainor received Ivy League degrees. Despite varying levels of knowledge and education, these characters are economically successful, suggesting that financial security comes from other dimensions of human knowledge. Through Thomas Gresham and Hobson, Thomas Heywood argues that fiscal education is based on observation, experience, and the ability to assimilate economic innovation with traditional power structures. Walking through Dr. Nowell’s gallery,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message A Parody Free Essays

Christmas is a time to be cherished by all those who celebrate, a time in which the spirit of community and family is at its pinnacle, a time in which every shop in existence goes on sale. Decorating one’s castle, gifting one’s servants, and tinselling one’s corgis are but a few of the customs which contribute to such a jubilant atmosphere†¦ The ungrateful children, unwanted presents, and garish Christmas specials are amongst those which do not. Nevertheless, one must not lose sight of the reason for such a joyous occasion: which is to celebrate the birth of our saviour, not Santa Claus, but Jesus Christ. We will write a custom essay sample on Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message: A Parody or any similar topic only for you Order Now A meaning often forgotten by those of common upbringing, who see this occasion as an excuse to drink wine to the point of intoxication, and then later regurgitate turkey and stuffing in a snow-topped bus shelter. And thus the prime principle of Jesus’ teachings – to love one’s neighbour – is more applicable than ever during Christmastide. Such love is demonstrated by you, the people of Britain, through the public funding which you so generously bestow upon myself, and my ever so needy family. It is through such funding that I buy my vibrant hats and organise my splendid garden parties. However, it takes but a simple visitation to a local shopping centre to demonstrate that some people are just impossible to love. (Cut to footage of hooligans spitting, riding mopeds and fighting) Many are those who carelessly loiter on street corners, countless amounts of unwanted offspring in tow, cigarette in mouth, alcohol in grasp. Copious amounts of this kind were exhibited during the widespread riots this August. Prince Philip and I would like to thank such rioters, for leaving Buckingham Palace undisturbed and instead besieging local ‘Tesco Extras’ in slums such as Birmingham and Manchester. How obvious it would be, for me to imply we are a nation of peace and cohesion, with people who are loyal and respectful to those of supreme eminence, such as myself. Alas, I ensure many of you do not watch this broadcast due to royalist ideals, but have tuned in early for the 3:30 showing of â€Å"Shrek 2†. (Obligatory clip of Shrek 2, complete with advertisement for the blu-ray release) Unfortunately, our nation is in a state of utmost disharmony – a nightmare cesspit of crime, violence and vulgarity. Had it not been for my ever so vital role in the governing my kingdom, I fear the very fabric of our empire would have been torn to shreds by conceited anarchists. Waving from balconies, shaking hands with people whom I neither know nor wish to know, inheriting tax payer’s money: but a few examples of the strenuous work which I endure for the sake of my country. Undoubtedly a stellar demonstration of expressing love for one’s neighbour. The common folk of our country have previously proven hindersome to communities, with their spray paint and lacklustre futures. However this year this has changed, with the marriage of my grandson William, and his wife Kate – or should I say Catherine as she so prefers. She may be a royal, but she is still a mere laywoman is the eyes of the aristocracy. Despite the many elegant Princesses and majestic Duchesses whom I attempted to marry William off to, he instead settled with a commoner with rich parents. He really could have done better, but it’s better Kate than never, I suppose. (Cut to footage of The Royal Wedding, mainly plebs frantically waving miniature union jacks) The rare marital union of proletariat and aristocrat spurred the excitement of many citizens of the commonwealth and fuelled the temporary harmony seen across the land. It gave us the opportunity to express pride in our country, wreck streets with streamers and novelty bunting, cause heavy traffic with road closures, buy tacky merchandise and hang Union Jacks from our windows. The chance that the populace celebrated due to legitimate pride and joy for their country is unlikely, many simply embraced the day off work. Regardless, the Royal Wedding instilled a sense of community where there was previously dissonance, gave us a well deserved boost in tourism, and finally made other countries pay attention to us. It put the Royal Family back in the good books after my husband accused a 14 year old boy of being â€Å"on drugs†. As Christmas is a time for reflection, I feel we must look back on the achievements and accomplishments of the 21st century thus far. As consumers, we owe a great sense of gratitude to the innovators and inventors behind the â€Å"iPhone†. (Cut to footage of the Queen on face time with Prince Philip, both laughing merrily.) Not only for revolutionising the way we communicate with one another, but also for â€Å"Angry Birds† and â€Å"iBeer†, which have managed to enrich me (and assuredly many others) with hours of entertainment and joy. 2011 has been a time of great development in industry, technology, science, but not economy. With a packet of â€Å"Space Raiders† crisps now at 15p and â€Å"Freddos† now at a staggering 20p, the effects of inflation are evident. We should take time, this Christmas, to reassure those whom have suffered the hardships of financial loss, including those irritating carolers begging for small change. But with such tribulation, we are only strengthened. We are a proud nation, we may moan, but we are proud. Some express this pride through celebration, and some express it through harsh xenophobia and degrading racism. But still we have managed to maintain our composure, as a family; together enduring obstacles such as rioting, terrorism, recession and disastrous coalition. Through my faith, and through the support you have given me, I continue to serve my country with utmost aspiration. Even to those who mock my accent, those who see me as nothing more than a device for tourism, and the Sex Pistols: I am thankful, for you are the catalyst behind my efforts. I wish you all a very happy Christmas. Unless you are of other religions, in which case absolutely no offence was intended, and you may continue with your heretical customs. (Fades to uniformed men with brass instruments playing typical patriotic themes.) How to cite Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message: A Parody, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

National Honor Society Essay Sample free essay sample

National Honor Society values Scholarship. Character. Leadership. and Community Service. Compose an essay in which you explain why you should be inducted into your school’s National Honor Society. How do you show and integrate these values into your life? I know that the National Honor Society is an award to be in and I genuinely want to take part in it. I believe I am extremely qualified and I can turn out it. I give my best attempt to be involved in every bit many activities as I can. This twelvemonth. I joined the Spanish Club to do more friends. donated places to the Sole4Souls charity organisation. and I am a new voluntary at the S. P. C. A. shelter. I am besides in the orchestra and set plans at my school and I volunteer at my old in-between school for the orchestra and set mentoring plans they have at that place. We will write a custom essay sample on National Honor Society Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I non merely show the pillar community service. but scholarship. character. and leading every bit good. I value scholarship really much. I take awards categories to dispute myself and I ever keep up my classs. I personally do non hold a immense vocabulary so I give myself challenges mundane to better and spread out my vocabulary bank. I make certain I spend the excess clip analyzing an assignment I don’t wholly understand because I want to be able to grok everything I do. And no affair how hard a capable gets. I neer and will neer give up. For illustration. in the beginning of my World History Class. I took a Chapter One Trial and received a â€Å"C† on it. I was really aghast because that class didn’t represent the sort of pupil I truly am. The Chapter One Test was truly difficult and I knew if the really first trial I took was hard for me. the hereafter tests wouldn’t acquire any easier. I motivated myself to analyze twice every bit difficult as my other schoolmates non merely because I wanted to acquire a good class on the following approaching trial. but because I wanted to larn and understand what each chapter was approximately. As a consequence. I received an â€Å"A† on my Chapter Two Trial! Fictional character is ever endeavoring to do the right picks everyday. I know how to hold and maintain a good character because I ever respect my equals and instructors by maintaining oculus contact when 1 is talking. I follow waies when it is given. I accept unfavorable judgment and I stay open minded to new thoughts. I would depict myself as a responsible and organized individual. I turn in assignments on clip. form my booklets for each category I take. write notes in my contriver to do certain I remember an of import event. and I keep my word when I make a promise. I do non like to do promises when I know I can non maintain it because I am really trusty. One clip. in my Psychology category during spirit hebdomad. my instructor walked around the schoolroom inquiring pupils if they were take parting in spirit hebdomad because any pupil take parting earned excess recognition for the category. The subject for that twenty-four hours was to dress up like your favourite character and coincidently. I wore a Tinkle Bell shirt to school. Once my instructor came to my desk. she asked me if I was take parting in spirit hebdomad. which I wasn’t. and I told her the truth and said no. A miss sitting following to me instantly told me I should hold lied to acquire the excess recognition. My instructor replied to her remark and told the miss that I did the right thing b y being honest. Leadership is the hardest for me to carry through. but I do on occasion demo leading. I believe a leader isn’t a retentive or disdainful individual who orders other people around. A leader is person who is sanguine and hardworking ; person who influences others toward success. Most of the clip when a instructor brace me up into a group of people I don’t know. no 1 wants to talk up and take charge. Normally. everyone in the group stays quiet and merely gaze off into infinite so I take the intimation that no 1 is traveling to make anything unless they’re told to and I start taking. I guide people to make what they need to make to complete the assignment or undertaking. For case. one twenty-four hours my Chemistry instructor gave the category a group assignment. At first. I thought I was traveling to partner off up with my cohorts. but my instructor had already made the groups. I was put into a group with people who were aliens to me. After about five proceedingss of silence. I asked each individual in the group their name by my ain will. Then. I led the group by offering suggestions and steering people to make what they needed to make. I want to as sist others in my community and one manner I know how to make that is by mentoring at my old in-between school. I love music and I strive to do the pupils I mentor better instrumentalists. Since I play the fiddle in orchestra and the bass horn in set. I merely wise man in-between school childs who play those instruments. Each twelvemonth I volunteer. I look frontward to the first twenty-four hours because that’s when I figure out what I need to work on with my pupils. It is an gratifying experience hearing my pupils come on each hebdomad in tone quality. beat. and note truth. It lets me cognize that I am making something right and that I am really doing a difference. I remember last twelvemonth when I mentored for the set plan and helped out a really diffident and quiet bass horn participant. Unfortunately. I don’t retrieve her name. but what I do retrieve is that she needed to work on note truth. take a breathing right. and playing loud. I mentored her one time a hebdomad and during each visit. the set manager at that place thanked me for coming because the miss I was mentoring was going a much better participant everyday. In decision. each member of the National Honor Society has to value the four pillars: Scholarship. character. leading and community service. I am proud to state I value each and every one of those pillars. I value scholarship by analyzing difficult and seeking my best at everything I do. character by being respectful and sort to others. leading by steering people toward a common end. and community service by volunteering to assist better my community to the best of my ability.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

buy custom Learning Objectives essay

buy custom Learning Objectives essay The trainee has to know the following: How to undertake a personal wound care, clean the wound properly, apply the necessary medication, use various menus in the computer. Select an appropriate file for the documentation of the patients details such as: age, severity of the wound, and medication. Having basic skills in health care delivery, with a minimum of academic knowledge in secondary level health science, shall be a requirement to understand the basics of the task performance, and to be able to follow them precisely and in a careful manner Performance The trainee is required to gain the following knowledge: Properly nurse a wound Correctly document patients details using Microsoft Excel. The details shall include: name, age, phone number, and prescribed medication information How to take care of patients through keeping management records,, wound treatment, providing feedback to wound situation, administration of first aid, supervision of drug administration, and assistance to wounded patients. The trainee is expected to attend all of the safety seminars so as to acquit themselves with the vital precaution measures. Buy custom Learning Objectives essay

Monday, March 2, 2020

Biographical Profile of Dr. Michio Kaku

Biographical Profile of Dr. Michio Kaku Dr. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, best known as one of the founders of string field theory. He has published several books and hosts television specials and a weekly radio program. Michio Kaku specializes in public outreach and explaining complicated physics concepts in terms people can understand and appreciate. General Information Born: January 24, 1947Nationality: AmericanEthnicity: Japanese Degrees Academic Achievements Went to the National Science Fair in high school with a home-made atom smasher built in his parents garage.1968, Physics B.S. (summa cum laude) from Harvard University1972, Physics Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley1973, lectureship at Princeton University25 years as Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York.Has been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton New York University. String Field Theory Work In the realm of physics research, Michio Kaku is best known as the co-founder of string field theory, which is a specific branch of the more general string theory which relies heavily on mathematically framing the theory in terms of fields. Kakus work was instrumental in showing that the field theory is consistent with known fields, such as Einsteins field equations from general relativity. Radio Television Appearances Michio Kaku is the host of two radio programs: Science Fantastic and Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku. Information about these programs can be found on Dr. Kakus official website. In addition to radio appearances, Michio Kaku frequently makes appearances on a wide variety of popular shows as a science expert, including Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Nightline, and 60 Minutes. He has hosted a number of science shows, including the Science Channel series Sci-Fi Science. Michio Kakus Books Dr. Kakus written a number of academic papers and textbooks over the years, but is especially noted among the public for his popular books on advanced theoretical physics concepts: The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (2014)Physics of the Future  (2011)Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel  (2008)Einsteins Cosmos: How Albert Einsteins Vision Transformed Our Understanding of Space and TimeVisions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and BeyondParallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos (2005)Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension Michio Kaku Quotes As a widely published author and public speaker, Dr. Kaku has  made many notable statements. Here are few of them: Physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is an attempt by an atom to understand itself.―  Michio Kaku,  Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos In some sense, gravity does not exist; what moves the planets and the stars is the distortion of space and time. To understand the difficulty of predicting the next 100 years, we have to appreciate the difficulty that the people of 1900 had in predicting the world of 2000.―  Michio Kaku,  Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pappper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pappper - Essay Example Specifically, the firm required the participants to take more time to the website before matching (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). Notably, this helped in distinguishing between the serious partner-seekers and the jokers. In effect, the firm reduced the speed of forming a relationship by ensuring the interested parties provided adequate information to help in making a match that would lead to a long lasting relationship. As a late entrant with a rigorous process and time-consuming to know the applicants, the firm faced high competition from the established businesses. In addition, clients were unsure about the trustworthy and effectiveness of the company (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). Therefore, the company experienced a low rate of application forcing it to strategies a campaign to create awareness and attract clients. Forgratch believes the first radio advertisement worked for two primary reasons. First, the resulting turnover was promising as the company recorded an increase in revenue that reflected in the promotion costs that reached $20 million by 2004. Secondly, the use of Dr. Neil Clark Warren was efficient as he was a household name in the marriage therapy (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). In addition, his distinctive voice, credibility, and a meaningful message worked to the advantage of the enterprise. The eHarmony business uses a service promotion concept in which it sells the services it offers to the public. Therefore, this direct action advertising strategies focuses directly on the potential clients. The firm achieve the success using real customers who have benefited from the company in an attempt to gain credibility and increase the number of paying customers (Mariotti & Glackin,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Managing performance and participation Assignment

Managing performance and participation - Assignment Example Following are some issues, which are especially related to recruiting the artists faced by Cirque: Increasing no. of artists Initially, Cirque required around 50 artists every year and their casting staff had to travel only those areas where they believe that their required artists will be sought out. In the recent years, as the number of shows started to increase as well as the increase in artist turnover at Cirque, the casting staff now currently has to recruit at least 100 artists in a year. In order to address this issue, Cirque spread out the auditions in around 20 countries across the globe. However, the cast division of Cirque found themselves out in a burnt out situation due to so much travelling. They have started feeling monotonic in conducting auditions, which may cause leaving out some potential artists from recruitment process because casters are not fresh enough to concentrate. Child Artists Another important concern for Cirque regarding the recruitment of artists is th e inclusion of child artists in their artistic portfolio. Generally, the kids who live at the streets pose a problem for Cirque because of their growing up problems. For this issue, Cirque concentrated especially on recruiting those children who are supported and guarded by their parents. For those children who lack their family guardianship are less considered by Cirque. Individual artist out of the box At times, it happened that when conducting auditions especially in far off area like villages, only 1 or 2 artists are able to impress the casting teams. Since those artists is not educated and not aware of the cultural problems that he might have to face if he is recruited by Cirque as they cannot interact and mingle with other casts easily. It becomes a dilemma for Cirque as how to handle those artists. So in order to resolve this issue, the casting division made a strategy according to which a single artist from that village or area is not recruited rather several individuals wit h same talent are sought out and then the whole group is recruited because in the form of group, those artists can understand and help out each other. Management The management of those artists is still not a big problem for Cirque administration as appropriate coaching staff is recruited to enhance the skills and arts of the artists. Only the concerning issue is that as number of artists being recruited are increasing, the responsibilities and workload of coaching and training staff are increased but still they are under control not causing stress to them. Motivation Some of the artists blame Cirque as one of the place where artists are somewhat underemployed as they are only paid when the show is on. Fixed salaries are not paid to the artists, which stimulates a sense of being not equitable. However, according to some other artists working at Cirque, whatever the compensation is provided by Cirque is some double or triple from other industry participants. Apparently, it seems that management of Cirque has created a very flexible yet stable blend of providing rewards to its artists. As far as extrinsic rewards are concerned, triple times pay is something, which is more than enough to motivate the artists, as this much is extremely handsome for them even though their compensations are contingent upon the number of shows being conducted by Cirque. Conversely, Cirque believes highly upon providing the artists

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Girl Named Lisa :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

A Girl Named Lisa I was working in the seafood department one day when I saw them...well, her actually. I wondered what her name was. She was about 13 or 14 years old, maybe a bit more, but certainly not old enough to drive yet, or maybe she was. She was with her family, I, I assume. Her father (I assume) was the big guy with a red sash on his waist and a jacket with a yin-yang patch on the front right side of it and it was black. The jacket, I mean. Her mother (I assume) was there too, and...I don't remember anything at all about her. There was another kid there, younger than her, and I assumed it was her brother. She was beautiful. Not in the gorgeous model way or the cute puppy way but in the sort of beauty that just is, Plato's beauty, you know? And I don't know why or how but when I saw her I got a feeling like when you know something's going to happen but you don't know what but you can just tell but it wasn't love. Sorta like butterflies but higher and stronger. Maybe butterflies on steroids. And the feeling stayed, sort of an anticipation. And she went away and I went to work, but I happened to look across the store towards the milk, and she was there. And she looked at me. No, not at me. It was like. . .like when you're driving over a familiar stretch of road and you know it so well that you just stare straight ahead and almost forget you're driving. It was like she knew me. It was like she was me. And then she turned down the cookie aisle and was gone. It had been over a year, and I still hadn't seen her in the store. I honestly didn't know what I'd say if I saw her, but I tried to imagine it. I saw her father (I assume) every week in the store, the same red sash, the same yin-yang jacket, as he bought fruit and eggs and bread and beer and toilet paper. But he never bought fish. And I never said anything to him, and he never noticed me or said Hi. But she noticed me. She knew me. And one day, I knew she would be in the store again, and I would see her standing by the milk, and she would see me standing by the frozen fish.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Hofstede Comparison of Germany and China Essay

Hofstede’s five dimensions are a useful tool to give someone an insight of different cultures. These elements give a country’s behaviour tendencies rather than an exact prescription. There are weaknesses to Hofstede’s Five Dimension theory as it may too easily encourage stereotyping. Even in countries as small as the UK, not all citizens are alike – e.g. it is argued that the culture in the North of England is quite different to the South. Hofstede has also been criticized for being too simplistic; however Hofstede’s theory does give us a general base to work from. 74 countries are listed on Hofstede’s website from which information can be drawn to make comparisons not only between countries but against the world average to give a broader picture. The following graph gives a comparison between Germany and China. It also allows for assessment against the Asian average and World average and our own British culture as benchmarks. Hofstede Comparison: UK, Germany, China Asian Average and World Average Comparison of Germany and China Power Distance Index          Germany 35 LOW             China 80 HIGH Individualism                               Germany 67 HIGH            China 66 LOW Masculinity                                     Germany 66 HIGH            China 66 HIGH Uncertainty Avoidance       Germany 65 HIGH            China 30 LOW Long Term Orientation      Germany 31LOW                  China 118 HIGH Power Distance Index – PDI Power Distance measures equality of power in society and how much people are willing to allow or give in to superiority. Countries with high scores tend to operate with power being given to the top few, with little room for lower rank intervention. Low scoring countries either spread power through delegation or encourage input from more levels of society. Germany 35         China 80         World Average 55 LOW POWER DISTANCE CULTURES HIGH POWER DISTANCE CULTURES Democratic management Autocratic management Management and subordinates treat one another as equals. Mutual respect is given. Managers expect subordinates to obey them. Subordinates automatic respect with expecting it to be earned. Power is de-centralised Power is centralised Subordinates expect to offer their ideas and take initiative Managers take the initiative and subordinates obey given instructions. Subordinates expect to be consulted Subordinates expect to be told what to do. Status is disapproved Status and privileges for managers is expected and respected Social interactions are informal Social interactions are formal Narrow range of salaries Wider range of salaries Despite a large difference in PDI scores, Germany and China share some similarities with how workers accept authority and power. The above table shows typical examples of low power distance cultures however, Germany does not necessarily follow these traits despite having a low PDI score. Germans like order and regulations and in a both business and society people tend to know what is allowed and what is forbidden. Power Distance is a low 35 in Germany. It is the same as in the UK yet significantly below the World average of 55. This score suggests German society, work and families treat people with equality, encouraging collaboration and a fair cultural environment. German managers and employees are often close, (reflected in the medium to low power distance (PD) in German culture) because they believe that they are working together to create a good product. Germany has  a democratic political system and is de-centralised. Business organisations tend to have flat structures with relatively small numbers of supervisors, however it also is known to be departmentalised and centralised (Dereksy, 2011). In business, Germans are known to be assertive, though not aggressive. Decisions are centralised although on occasion consensus is sometimes sought if the situation warrants it. Employees do not question the authority of their managers and are very loyal to their companies. Before most business deals are done, there has been considerable detailed analysis before commitment. Once a project or deal is committed to, staff have high trust in the order and China has a high ranking of 80 than both Germany and the World Average which means that the power distance remains high in business and in society in general. This means that people are less willing to challenge authority which is likely due to old communism beliefs which still have a strong influence on people’s behaviour. China continues to receive cri ticism for not taking human rights seriously. When doing business in China one must be aware of this large hierarchy gap. It is often hard to move up on their corporate ladder compared to other cultures. PDI Suggestions for manager coming from Germany to China In China, greetings are always done in age order, so ensure the eldest in the room is greeted first. Status is very important in China so do not call someone by their Christian name until they invite you to do so. Instead, always address them by using their full title, eg Dr or Professor. Ensure your business cards have your full qualifications on. If any large announcements to general staff are needed, request a senior member of management do it. Do not expect senior management to accept your ideas. Whilst they most likely will have no intention of accepting any ideas you may offer, they may politely say they will consider them to save â€Å"face†. â€Å"Let us think about it† is the Chinese way of saying â€Å"no† Use power to exercise authority Tell subordinates what to do – do not expect them to work it out themselves. Individualism Individualism refers to how independent people are. Countries with high scores indicate people are self- motivated, more self-reliant and self-concerned whereas countries with lower scores suggest citizens conform to society’s norms and consider group needs as more important than their own. Germany 67China 20World Average 43 Germany scored 67 points on individualism, the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only. That score is 56% higher than the world average score for individualism. Therefore, Germany has a highly individualistic society. In such cultures individuality, independence, and self-determination are valued. Trompenaar agrees that Germans place high priority on looking after themselves and their immediate family. At work, however, Germans jointly assume responsibilities and achieve goals in groups. Negotiating decisions is often referred to committees. Hofstede found that wealthier countries tended to have higher scores in Individualism (Hodgetts et al, 2006) however, given that China is now the second largest economy in the World and their IND score is only 20 Hofstede’s theory can be disputed. The Chinese rank lower than any other Asian country in the Individualism (IDV) ranking, at 20 compared to an average of 25. This may be attributed, in part, to the high level of emphasis on a Collectivist society by the Communist rule, as compared to one of Individualism. Confucianism also plays a large part as Chinese place value on long term satisfaction than short-term greed. Harmony is achieved by giving â€Å"face† to others and avoiding losing your own â€Å"face.† In collectivist cultures such as China, people work together in groups and often put the needs of that group ahead of their own personal wants. They embrace shared responsibility. Chinese business habits tend to stay with the same partners or suppliers to keep loyalty and not deteriorate relationships. So when doing business with others it is a good idea to select a good strong partnership that has potential to last a long time. It is looked down upon if you frequently change business partners. IDV Suggestions for manager coming from Germany to China Focus on how change is good for the group (appeal to the common interest). Allow the group to formulate and ask questions. Allow the group to consult with each other and spend time working out their responses, questions, and concerns Aim to build lasting relationships Try working through an individual or an organization who introduces you formally–Chinese like to work with people they know Avoid asking pointed questions Do not expect decisions made at meetings as meetings are merely forums for exchange of information Allow time in meetings for team members to consent and consult Standing out from the crowd can be viewed as very negative and result in personal difficulties, therefore try to blend in with the group and put their needs first. Masculinity Masculinity looks at how people react to one another. Countries with high masculine scores tend to have a society which respects stereotypical male behaviour: hedonistic, materialistic, dominant, aggressive and competitive, viewing feminine behaviour as weak. Countries with low masculinity scores tend to have strong welfare support and more equality between the sexes. Germany   66          China 66         World Average 50 Germany scored 66 points on masculinity, a cultural characteristic in which success, money and material possessions form the dominant values in society. That score is 32% higher than the world average score for masculinity yet equal to that of the UK and China. According to Hofstede’s model, Germans place greater importance on earnings, recognition, advancement and challenge. Germany is a male-dominated society; few married women work outside the home However, this is slowly changing in the younger generations of Germany. Women are becoming more accepted in higher positions. Officially, women in China have the same rights as men in the workplace and the party has promoted this sense of equality over the past thirty years or so. However, traditional Confucian thinking does not sit easily with this notion of gender equality and it is somewhat ironic that the liberalisation policies of the last decade might have reversed many of the advances made by women in Chinese society under the previous hard-line regimes. In China, the strong preference of boys is due to the traditional values. Men hold most of the responsibility and power positions although there is a high level of  consensus between genders in China. However, the responsibility for finding childcare still tends to fall with women which may be a contributor to the low numbers of women in senior management positions. The value placed on work is similar in Germany and China, according to Hofstede, yet both countries have few women in senior management. MAS Suggestions for manager coming from Germany to China Foreign businesswomen will be treated with great respect and courtesy. They may find that, within a delegation, the Chinese defer to male colleagues regardless of the actual seniority of the western party – the Chinese assumption being that the male will naturally be the decision-maker. Therefore a German woman manager must anticipate this and not be offended by this reaction so she â€Å"saves face† Gradually over time, this apparent sexism will fade if she takes the time and gentle grace to build relationships slowly. Uncertainty Avoidance Index Uncertainty avoidance, as the name suggests, focuses on how and by whom risk is managed. Countries with low levels of uncertainty indicate strong governmental control to maintain as much stability and order as possible for risk elimination. Countries with lower scores tend to allow individuals to manage their own risks, which provide environments with more innovation. Germany 65       China 30       World average 64 Germany scored 65 points on Hofstede’s uncertainty avoidance index. That score is only 1% above the world average score for uncertainty avoidance. Thanks to their need for security, Germans insist on written rules and detailed codes of conduct. Germans are not keen on uncertainty, by planning everything carefully they try to avoid the uncertainty. In Germany there is a society that relies on rules, laws and regulations. Germany wants to reduce its risks to the minimum and proceed with changes step by step. China presents a high degree of acceptance of uncertainty, which is a characteristic of a society that does not try to take control of the future, and that is not afraid of unforeseen situations. Contrary to Germany, Chinese society does not feel such an urge to establish strict rules to  overcome uncertainty or ambiguity. It is also characteristic of a society that is more tolerant towards opinions, behaviours that are different from its own, and changes. And it is a more meditative society which does not feel the need of controlling its environment. UAI Suggestions for manager coming from Germany to China Present a bottom line and an objective, then build your case around questions Expect frequent rescheduling of meetings. It is a good idea to set up appointments a few weeks in advance and reconfirm 1-2 days before the scheduled meeting Long-term Orientation Long-term Orientation concerns how cultures view time and perseverance, whether business and relationships are nurtured over a period of time or if more emphasis is placed on short-term reward. Long-Term Orientation is the fifth dimension of Hofstede which was added after the original four to try to distinguish the difference in thinking between the East and West. From the original IBM studies, this difference was something that could not be deduced. Therefore, Hofstede created a Chinese value survey which was distributed across 23 countries Germany 31       China 118      World Average 45 . Short-term Orientation Long-term Orientation Immediate gratification required Deferred gratification Traditions are sacred and upheld Traditions adapt to change Consumption values are taught Frugality and perseverance is taught Spend Save or invest Quick profits Building a lasting business income Analytical thinking Synthetic thinking Germany is typical of Westernised cultures with regards to having short-term orientation. Germany is renowned for its appreciation of efficiency. People from cultures where managers are expected to develop a closer, more intimate ambience can see the German manager-subordinate relationship as distant and cold. Germans put truth and directness before diplomacy, believing that the fact is the important issue and that personal emotions should not deflect the truth from being spoken. This directness can be interpreted by certain cultures such as China, as rude. China slow and steady wins the race for business deals. Building strong, reliable, lasting relationships is key for the Chinese. A certain amount of trust must be gained before any decision is met. It may take three to four times the length of time to finish the business deal compared to your cultural standards. So if you do not come to a fast agreement, don’t be discouraged, make the client feel comfortable and show your p atience. The Chinese never like to rush into things. Geert Hofstede analysis for China has Long-term Orientation (LTO) the highest-ranking factor of all countries. China has such a high LTO score, it is even 30% higher than the Asian average score which is already nearly twice the World average. This shows how much emphasis China places on this dimension, indicating a society’s time perspective and an attitude of persevering; that is, overcoming obstacles with time, if not with will and strength. This means that perseverance and economy are the basic values in China, these values being taught by Confucianism, which is widely established in China. Also, Chinese culture is neutral, contrary to the French culture which is affective. Which means that in China feelings are not readily expressed and physical contact avoided, while in France like in all other Mediterranean cultures the behaviour is expressive and gestured, and people like to express their feelings and physical contact. Chines e culture is marked by respect and loyalty, which makes them reliable partners. They favour the interest of the group and in particular are extremely perseverant and formidable business people. LTO Suggestions for manager coming from Germany to China This is arguably the area requiring the most attention from a German manager. Meetings are about building relationships and exchanging information – it is rare for a decision to be made within the meeting. Therefore a German manager must not show impatience. Use less direct language Hold back on the truth, to help others save â€Å"face† Build relationships slowly. Try â€Å"gift giving†, as a thank you is often not considered enough, and at worst rude. Allow the group to consult with each other and spend time working out their responses, questions, and concerns Bing., J.,W., 2011. Hofstede’s consequences: The impact of his work on consulting and business practices, An Executive Summary. ITAP International Inc . Available from: [Accessed 17 March 2011]. Burke, R., J., Cultural Values and Women’s Work and Career Experiences. Deresky, H., 2011. International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures. 7th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Hodgetts, R., M., and Luthans, F., and Doh, J. P., 2006. International Management. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. For both China and Germany

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Jane Austen s Clueless - 1280 Words

Amy Heckerling’s film ‘Clueless’ enhances our understanding of the transformation derived from Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ and communicates the issues of rigid social status and confined attitudes to women despite contextual realignments. By adapting the genteel society of Highbury to the superficial microcosm of Beverley Hills, we gain an understanding of the restricted values placed on social status and the objectivity of women. Both Austen’s and Heckerling’s satirical reflections on Regency England and postmodern America respectively, showcases how studying the transformation process has enhanced our understanding of textual and contextual meaning. Through the amalgamation of Austen’s ‘Emma’ into a contemporary teen pic, ‘Clueless’, we see the texts as aesthetic replays of each other and gain an appreciation of the enduring ability to entrance future generations. Both Amy Heckerling and Jane Austen satirise their society to convey an understanding of the strict social hierarchy and how social status is based on the stratification of wealth. The opening of ‘Clueless’ is a pastiche of high angle shots and the diegetic music â€Å"Kids of America† which is directly correlated with the beginning of the novel â€Å"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, rich.† Here, the cumulative listing allows Austen’s to reflect on the intrinsic understanding of the hierarchy that social status articulates. Austen’s authorial intrusion in â€Å"The intimacy between her and Emma must sink into a calmer sort ofShow MoreRelatedJane Austen s Clueless 1949 Words   |  8 PagesIn Emma, the character Jane Austen presents in the novel is the type of person who likes to meddle in other people’s lives. In the film Clueless, Cher is an impersonation of Emma’s character. She also manipulates the situation, meddles in p eople’s lives because she feels she can manage them better than they can. In this particular adaptation of Emma, Emma is portrayed through the character Cher. Cher is also a meddler in other people’s lives. This sets the film up for an interesting and developingRead MoreA Modern Context Within Jane Austen s Clueless 1737 Words   |  7 Pagessignificant stories and social themes into a new context. Amy Heckerling exemplifies this notion as she brings forth the social issues and concerns of Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ into a modern context within her 20th century film, ‘Clueless’. Heckerling has transformed ‘Emma’ through her use of modern language, setting, targeted audience and props in ‘Clueless’ illustrating how Austen’s ideals and social themes are still relevant and affective to a contemporary audience. Heckerling investigates the dichotomyRead MoreJane Austen s Emma And Amy Heckerling s Clueless Essa y1574 Words   |  7 PagesThough written over two centuries apart, the protagonists in Jane Austen’s Emma and Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, are very much alike. They are strong female characters of a certain social standing, that are expected to abide by a particular set of rules and adhere to societal norms. Unlike most young women, Austen’s Emma and Heckerling’s Cher are able to disregard social expectations ¬ — like Emma’s idea of marriage, and Cher’s idea of sex — simply because they are privileged and socially stable enoughRead MoreJane Austen s Emma And Clueless Comparison1655 Words   |  7 PagesAlex Escribano Professor Klingensmith 4 April 2016 ENGL Emma and Clueless Comparison Jane Austen’s Emma can be categorized as a bildungsroman, better known as a coming-of-age tale, in which the reader follows the title character as she comes to terms with her position in the world during the Regency period. However, looking beyond the titular character, one can look at Emma as a satirical work regarding the restrictions and conventions of 19th century society. This satirical element later wentRead MoreIs Classic Novels Be Adapted Into Successful Modern Movies?1826 Words   |  8 PagesAmanda Lockhart Ms. Solomon English 1020-003 17 October 2016 Can Classic Novels be Adapted into Successful Modern Movies? Emma’s Clueless About Clueless I. My audience for my research paper is people attending a pop culture conference. The movie Clueless is based on ‘90’s pop culture, even though the movie is based on Jane Austen’s Emma which is over a century old. My audience will be people who are interested in learning more about whether or not classic books can be adapted into successful moviesRead MoreSummary Of Emma And Amy Heckerlings Clueless1369 Words   |  6 Pagesto Jane Austens  Emma  and Amy Heckerlings  Clueless. 1300-1500 words Texts and their appropriations presents the ways of thinking and the values existent within their societies. When comparing Jane Austen’s Regency novel Emma and Amy Heckerling’s adaptive feature Clueless, it is evident they offer diverse perspectives significant to understanding the composer’s contexts. In differentiation, Emma highlights the significance of matrimony, whereas this value is cast aside in Clueless. Clueless alsoRead MoreJane Austen s Novel Of The Novel Emma2107 Words   |  9 PagesIn this particular film adaptation of the novel Emma, the character Jane Austen presents in the novel is the type of person who likes to meddle in other people’s lives. In this particular adaptation of Emma, Emma is portrayed through the character Cher. Cher is also a meddler in other people’s lives. This sets the film up for an interesting and developing plot. Cher Horowitz illuminates Emma Woodhouse because they both exist in that precarious realm whe re lovable threatens to tip over into loathsomeRead MoreFilm Techniques, By And Amy Heckerling s Postmodern American Film, Clueless ( 1995 )2279 Words   |  10 Pagesentails the adaption of a text to a contemporary contextual environment, and by comparing both Jane Austen’s Regency Era novel, Emma (1815), and Amy Heckerling’s postmodern American film, Clueless (1995), it is evident that the film has been re-appropriated in such a way that Austen’s voice is still heard today, while simultaneously projecting Heckerling’s views on present-day society. While both Emma and Clueless fall under similar timeless themes, such as the social hierarchy, the social values of marriageRead MoreClueless a Transformation of Emma4584 Words   |  19 PagesHow does the composer of Clueless use film techniques to transform the social, historical and environmental context of Jane Austen’s Emma to the modern context of Clueless? Amy Heckerling’s Clueless involves a storyline, which closely follows the text of Jane Austen’s novel Emma. However, there are some key points of difference in the transformation that has taken place. This is due to the individual context of the nineteenth century prose text and that of the modern appropriated film text. TheRead MoreJane Austen s Novel Of The Tee Essay1406 Words   |  6 Pages Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) is a world famous English novelist, primarily known for her six major novels which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen s plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security. In particular, Austen’s novel Emma, published in 1815, displays these aspects of of traditional English life in that period, however the classic