Friday, May 22, 2020

Was Jack the Ripper a Woman - 1773 Words

Mysteries have been going unsolved for years and puzzling minds across the globe. Serial killers give the most controversial mysteries, especially cold cases in which the killers have never been identified. One of the more infamous serial killers, Jack the Ripper, has been fascinating but horrifying investigators since the first victim was discovered. But what if Jack the ripper was not a Jack at all, but rather Lizzie the Ripper? New evidence has shed some light on this case and states that it would make more sense if it was a woman instead of a man. First and foremost, the name Jack the Ripper was actually not given by the media or other investigators. The infamous name â€Å"Jack the Ripper† actually came from a letter that was†¦show more content†¦Dr. Thomas Bond was the pathologist assigned to the case when the first victim had been discovered; he stated that â€Å"it would have been six inches long, pointed at the top, and about an inch thick,† (Eno ch Jacqueline the Ripper? New book claims Britains most notorious serial killer was actually a WOMAN), it being the knife that Lizzie would have used to carve up her victims. This would allow the murderer to slice the women’s throat from the right to the left and she would be able to avoid a good amount of the blood spatter if the victim was still alive. Though the victim’s clothes had been rearranged but there was never any sign of sexual intercourse; it would make sense that it was a midwife that was out for revenge. Since Lizzie was infertile herself, the revenge she took out on women would add to the fact that Lizzie was unable to cope with reality. Not only did she target women that were street walkers but were also around the age of Lizzie herself. The victims were all tied to Lizzie Williams because of what was missing when the bodies were found. Lizzie the Ripper was known for taking a trophy from each of her victims, the viscera or the internal organs such as the intestines, stomach, and even the heart. Lizzie showed her extensive anatomical knowledge by removing a kidney from the front of the victim without damaging any other organs. In another victim, she hadShow MoreRelated Jack the Ripper: The Most Famous Killer in History Essay1489 Words   |  6 PagesJack the Ripper is perhaps the most famous serial murder case in the world. Even after over one hundred, twenty years, the case is widely talked about, speculated about, and mulled over (Jones, Jack the Ripper 1888). A lot of the intrigue over the case lies in the fact that it is, to this day, unsolved. Questions still remain over the case. What was Jack the Ripper’s real identity? What was the actual number of victims? 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