Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pappper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pappper - Essay Example Specifically, the firm required the participants to take more time to the website before matching (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). Notably, this helped in distinguishing between the serious partner-seekers and the jokers. In effect, the firm reduced the speed of forming a relationship by ensuring the interested parties provided adequate information to help in making a match that would lead to a long lasting relationship. As a late entrant with a rigorous process and time-consuming to know the applicants, the firm faced high competition from the established businesses. In addition, clients were unsure about the trustworthy and effectiveness of the company (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). Therefore, the company experienced a low rate of application forcing it to strategies a campaign to create awareness and attract clients. Forgratch believes the first radio advertisement worked for two primary reasons. First, the resulting turnover was promising as the company recorded an increase in revenue that reflected in the promotion costs that reached $20 million by 2004. Secondly, the use of Dr. Neil Clark Warren was efficient as he was a household name in the marriage therapy (Mariotti & Glackin, 2012). In addition, his distinctive voice, credibility, and a meaningful message worked to the advantage of the enterprise. The eHarmony business uses a service promotion concept in which it sells the services it offers to the public. Therefore, this direct action advertising strategies focuses directly on the potential clients. The firm achieve the success using real customers who have benefited from the company in an attempt to gain credibility and increase the number of paying customers (Mariotti & Glackin,

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