Monday, December 23, 2019

Causes of Stress Essay - 757 Words

Causes of Stress Introduction So, what causes the stress that can be so bad for you? Some people may have a nervous system that goes into a stress reaction more readily than others. This could be due to individual differences in genetics and brain chemistry. To try to understand stress better, we need to consider the psychological factors involved - emotional and cognitive (thinking) factors. Research has suggested that major stressors in our lives are life changes, for example, moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work-related factors, including unemployment and boredom, are also common causes of stress. Differences in personality may also play a part. A†¦show more content†¦Other research in the 1990s showed a correlation between high levels of negative life events with increased vulnerability to colds. The trouble with this social readjustment rating scale is that it does not account for the fact that some people will find the same sort of event less stressful than others - for example, divorce could be perceived as a relief or a disaster. We cannot give reliable predictions about risks of stress-related illness based on this scale. Lazarus and colleagues in the 1980s came up with a different stress measurement scale called the hassles and uplifts scale. They claimed that, rather than major life changes, it is day-to-day hassles or small uplifts that determine our overall levels of stress. It has been found that found that high scores on hassles - for example, being stuck in traffic or minor arguments with partner - correlated with symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression. Personality and stress In the 1970s, Friedman and Rosenman carried out a nine-year study of 1000 people to try to find out if personality type affected stress levels. They came up with the idea of the Type A personality - illustrated below: The typical type A person is competitive, time-conscious, workaholic and easily frustrated with others. Researchers have suggested that this sort of person would be likely toShow MoreRelatedCauses of Workplace Stress969 Words   |  4 PagesCauses of Workplace Stress There are many factors that can exacerbate the causes of stress in the workplace. The challenges faced by people in the workplace make the job more exciting and interesting. However, there are challenges that can also have negative effects. The normal reaction to stress is tension, anxiety and excitement and work-life goes back to normal after a while. If however, the stress becomes overwhelming or if it happens too often, there can be a problem getting back to the normalRead MoreCause And Effect Of Stress1029 Words   |  5 Pagesthe day of the week? Why adults cannot be as happy as little kids? 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The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state

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