Saturday, November 2, 2019

Consumer Buying Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Consumer Buying Behavior - Essay Example It has been further highlighted by Chiu et al. (2006) that consumer buying behavior is about asking key questions. For example, one might engage with the questions of why consumers buy or how consumers buy and what influences their purchasing. There is a mix of internal and external factors surrounding consumers that help shape and define their buying behavior and preferences. According to Pelsmacker et al. (2006), these internal factors include a perceptual filter, knowledge about products, attitude towards the brand, personality of the consumer, lifestyle of the consumer, perceived roles of consumer, and their overall motivation for making the purchase. It is also distinguished by the fact that the external factors include: group or segment membership of consumer and purchase situation or cultures of the consumer. For example, culture is one of the most important factors affecting the consumer’s buying behavior; because the consumer’s preference will be according to t heir beliefs and backgrounds. However, both internal and external factors are interconnected and play a vital role in the consumer’s buying behavior. This leads the reader to understand that a consumer’s choice and buying behavior is localized and will not be the same among individuals and businesses need to understand how to target the consumers from various backgrounds and lifestyles.The factors that have been mentioned help to identify the main reasons why people purchase products in general (Harper, 2005).

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